



Open Access Article

Advances in International Psychology. 2024; 6: (1) ; 33-37 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.aip.20240006.

The effect of running training on college student’s depression

作者: 赵子健, 王刚, 唐荣荣, 王荣, 叶思雨, 耿桂灵, 刘敏 *

南通理工学院健康医学院 江苏南通

*通讯作者: 刘敏,单位:南通理工学院健康医学院 江苏南通;

发布时间: 2024-12-29 总浏览量: 74


目的 为了研究跑步训练可作为降低大学生抑郁情绪的干预措施,基于国内外现有的研究基础上,深入探究跑步训练在抑郁情绪领域的影响,并通过制定一系列干预措施进一步探讨运动医学与心理健康领域融合对未来校园公共健康政策制定的重要性。方法 本研究以南通理工学院各年级学生为对象(n=200),采用随机对照试验的方法,根据年龄、性别、健康状况等因素平均分为实验组(n=100)和对照组(n=100)。实验组进行为期12周的跑步训练,每周3次,每次30分钟,训练强度根据每位参与者心率储备的40%-70%个体化设定,而对照组不做任何的运动干预。采用汉密尔顿量表和贝克量表(PHQ-9与BDI-II)对参与者进行干预前后的抑郁情绪评估,通过SPSS(25.0)软件对数据采集并处理。结果 结果表明,实验组在跑步训练后PHQ-9与BDI-II的平均得分显著降低(P<0.01),抑郁情绪改善比例达到40%以上。结论 通过对跑步训练特定心理效应的深度分析,发现运动强度、频率与持续时间对抑郁情绪均有影响,且部分个体差异明显。研究同时指出样本大小和对照变量不足为局限,建议后续研究应加强这些方面以确保研究结果的广泛适用性和深度。

关键词: 大学生;抑郁情绪;跑步训练;心理健康


Objective in order to study running training can be used as an intervention to reduce college students' depression, based on the existing research at home and abroad, explore the influence of running training in the field of depression, and by developing a series of interventions to further explore sports medicine and mental health fusion to the importance of future campus public health policy.
Methods In this study, among the students of Nantong Institute of Technology (n=200), the randomized controlled trial was evenly divided into experimental group (n=100) and control group (n=100) according to age, gender, health status and other factors. The experimental group underwent 12 weeks of running training, three times weekly for 30 minutes, and the training intensity was individualized according to 40% to 70% of each participant's heart rate reserve, while the control group did not do any exercise intervention. Participants were assessed for depression before and after the intervention using the Hamilton scale and Baker scale (PHQ-9 versus BDI-II), and data were collected and processed through the SPSS (25.0) software.
Results The results showed that the mean score of PHQ-9 and BDI-II in the experimental group decreased significantly (P <0.01), and the improvement ratio of depressive mood reached more than 40%.
Conclusion   Through the in-depth analysis of the specific psychological effects of running training, it is found that the intensity, frequency and duration of exercise all have the effects on depression, and some individual differences are obvious. The study also identified the lack of sample size and control variables as limitations, and suggested that subsequent studies should strengthen these aspects to ensure the broad applicability and depth of the research results.

Key words: College students; Depressed mood; Running training; Mental health

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赵子健, 王刚, 唐荣荣, 王荣, 叶思雨, 耿桂灵, 刘敏, 跑步训练对大学生抑郁情绪的影响探究[J]. 国际心理学进展, 2024; 6: (1) : 33-37.